Getting the project done right the first time

Quality Guaranteed Every Time

Utility industrial engineering, construction, and maintenance are what we do best. With years of experience in the industry behind us, we can confidently provide clients with high-quality products, service, and results.

It comes down to

Our Process

To ensure each of our clients get the high-quality results that we guarantee, our process is expertly designed and meticulously followed

To get the results right the first time, it’s important that, for our first step, the owner, engineer, and contractor collaborate on all efforts. 

High-quality results come from approved high-quality products. For a smooth project, we’ll work to get the most available, highest-quality equipment and materials needed for each project.

Managing large projects in the utility and industrial space takes experience, skill, and expertise. We always work with safety, integrity, and efficiency.


ESCO works to take care of the construction of your utility plants, pipelines, and electrical transmission and distribution resources from start to finish. We begin by performing the engineering of each project as well as the procurement of the materials and equipment needed to perform the construction.


We manage the entire project from the moment the first hole is dug to when it’s finally ready for operation. This includes ensuring the necessary crews are working on each stage of development as well as maintaining the workflow and schedule to completion.


After the project is completed, ESCO goes one step further and provides the ability to continue the maintenance of pipelines and gas and electrical facilities. Whether it’s just simple upkeep or fixing larger issues, we work to ensure your operation remains up and running efficiently and safely.

Guaranteed Safety

We care about who we work with

Not only do we work to ensure exceptional results, materials, and service, but we also focus on both safety and environmental impact. We will complete every project safely, to the highest quality, and on budget. We care about those who we work with. We are safety 100%.